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ISCN 2019 Speaker Highlight: Dr. David Clark

Learn how to utilize a metabolic approach to your care when working with Autism. – Dr. David Clark will be speaking at this year’s ISCN event: Using Neurochemistry to Treat Autism Spectrum Disorders. – #ISCN2019 #clinicalneuroscience #neurology #carricktrained #carrickinstitute #autism #nutrition
– Hello, my name is Dr. Jessica Lofgren. Today we are joined by Dr. David Clark. Dr. Clark, how are you doing today? – I’m doing great. Thank you. – So we are on here today today because you are speaking at this year’s International Symposium on Clinical Neuroscience, happening May 24th through the 26th in Orlando, Florida. For the scholars who don’t know much about you yet, can you tell us a little bit about yourself? – Yeah, well I teach for the Carrick Institute. I teach the clinical neurochemistry and nutrition classes, which we’ve had a blast teaching those over the last couple years. I’m in full-time practice. I have a practice here in Durham, North Carolina. Of course, board-certified chiropractic neurologist, board-certified functional neurologist, all those different board certifications. I’m going on 20 years in the practice now and primarily the kinds of patients I seem to see the most of are a lot of vestibular cases. I’ve been treating kids for a long time and that’s actually what I’ll be presenting about at ISCN this year is how to use neurochemistry and nutrition in treating a kid who is on the Autistic Spectrum. And it should be pretty exciting. I only have like 40 minutes, so of course, I can’t tell everything. But I’m gonna be sharing I think a case that really illustrates the good you can do if you know how to apply the neurochemistry and nutrition principles to a kid that has a brain-based disorder. And just so everyone knows, in my practice I certainly look at all the metabolic aspects that I teach in the neurochemistry class but I still do the brain rehab, as well. And what I’ll be presenting about at the ISCN is how people in the audience can use what I’m teaching and what I’m showing, how they can start to utilize that in their own communities because here’s why I think it’s important that we even talk about this presentation, at ISCN is there are people, and anyone who is watching this right now, there are kids in your community right now who are on the spectrum. They’re on the autism spectrum and they need someone who knows what they’re doing, they need their help. And they need someone who is willing to invest time in them as a human being because one of the things that I will always tell anyone is when you start working with a child who has autism, it’s not a week long relationship, it’s not even a month long relationship. I mean this is years long because you need to be able to follow them and intervene at different times of their development with various brain-based rehab, nutritional things that can help improve their brain function, help them live up the the potential they have inside of them. So that’s why I think this stuff is very important and that’s why I’ve found it exciting for these last 20 years. And I’m really excited to be able to share just a little bit of it but a very exciting bit at the conference in May. – Great! So from what I’m hearing scholars are sort of gonna have a chance to combine what they’ve learned from the functional neurology paradigm with some nutrition and metabolic aspects that you’ve become and expert in, so they can really help the population better. – Absolutely. And what I always tell people, you don’t have to pick, right? There’s not like you have to do this, or this. It’s just about learning what is the best tools, at the best time for that particular patient. And I think this will give the scholars a nice slice of seeing how you can use both of those to really make changes, some powerful changes in this case, autistic children. – Well, we are so excited to hear more about this, this year and the ISCN. Again, Dr. Clark will be speaking at the International Symposium on Clinical Neuroscience that is May 24th through the 26th. Dr. Clark, thank you so much for taking the time to get on here today and talk to us and we can’t wait to see ya there. – Cool, we’ll see ya then!
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