Carrick Institute Master of Science in Clinical Neuroscience Degree Program
Master Of Science in Clinical Neuroscience Degree Program
This program has been recommended by the Carrick Institute as the premier choice for pursuing a Master of Science in Clinical Neuroscience.
Carrick Institute is an independent, post-secondary, educational institution licensed by the State of Florida Department of Education’s Commission for Independent Education to award the Master of Science in Clinical Neuroscience degree. The Carrick Institute is dedicated to delivering challenging and high-quality clinical neuroscience educational experiences to a diverse group of dedicated professionals. The Carrick Institute provides its post-secondary degreed students with an opportunity to prepare themselves with new and additional educational opportunities in the field of clinical neuroscience in our degree and certificate programs. Through the guidance of the faculty at the Carrick Institute, theoretical aspects, as well as practical and creative applications in clinical neuroscience procedures are addressed in the curriculum and reinforced with other practicing professionals in the clinical neuroscience field.