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Any individual, online, self-paced learning module in the Clinical Neuroscience program.
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Our pedagogy is enhancing the clinical skills of our scholars at the Carrick Institute Movement Disorders Program. Designed to ensure long-term retention of knowledge and facilitation of applications, our program continues with strategies designed personally for the learning needs of the scholar.
In the 2 days following Movement Disorders 1, we report a 74% involvement in a continuing learning strategy. Our procedures for this week have scored a 77.38% difficulty. Our learners will be actively participating in learning strategies that are individually tailored over the next 6 weeks as they prepare for Movement Disorders II, September 16-18, 2016.
Every 2 days our clinical scholars receive assignments and learning materials that are unique to their needs and performance. These assignments have been developed to provide mastery of the subject material in a timely fashion that allows our clinician scholars to practice full time while embracing the richness of our pedagogy.
They also receive course video instructions, podcasts, and clinical learning tools that complement the regular delivery of learning enhancement materials. Their performance is outstanding and we are both excited and proud of their achievements.
Consider joining us at Movement Disorders II, or registering for Movement Disorders I when it is available on-demand. This career enhancing education is not to be missed!
– Tricia Carrick