A Brain-Based Approach to Joint Manipulation
Level 1 of the Brain-Based Adjusting series introduces the practitioner to the fundamental concepts of treating Neurological Functional Decompensation & Brain Hemisphericity using joint manipulation and fast stretch techniques.
These fundamentals are applied in a specific manner allowing practitioners more success in treating these conditions. Learners taking this program will quickly realize that sidedness, speed, amplitude, and line of drive all matter in the central consequences of their therapies. As a practitioner who understands the relationship of these different qualities to brain activation, you will be better equipped to improve your delivery and specificity.
In summary, this program represents the summation of years of clinical work in functional neurology. It is combined with many lines of literature to produce a concise model describing how the adjustment and other manual therapies affect brain function and how to leverage that information to maximize your results.
Topics Covered
- Hemispheric Interaction (Why Sidedness Matters)
- Brain Hemisphericity and Functional Decompensation
- Soft Pyramidal Weakness
- Diaschisis & Deafferentation influences on Brain Activity
- Joint Receptors & Range Fractionation
- Muscle Spindle Physiology
- Muscle Sensitivity & Tone Relating to Brain Output & The Adjustment
- Direct & Indirect Receptor Influence on Brain Activity
- Importance of Fuel Delivery & Its Relationship to Breathing Mechanics
- The neurological mechanisms of the chiropractic adjustment and other manual therapies.
- Palpatory/assessment techniques congruent with current clinical neuroscience and biomechanical theories.
- Biomechanical coupling and its neurological importance.
- Quick and effective examination procedures to delineate the sidedness of Functional Decompensation and or Hemisphericity.
- Coupled Upper and Lower Rib
- Qaudratus Lumborum & Iliocostalis
- Coupled Cervical Spine C2-C7 plus variations on position and thrust
- Modifying the “Rotary Break” to Hemisphericity
- Extremities for Soft Pyramidal Weakness
- Atlanto-Occipital Joint
- 1st Rib
- Posterior Rib
- T1
- Upper Thoracic Long Axis
- Coupled Lumbar Spine
- Sacroiliac Joint Specific to Hemisphericity
- Correcting For the Anterior Rotated Ilium
Level 2 builds on the fundamental concepts taught in Level 1 while introducing the concept of centrally mediated motor patterning and postural compensatory change.
It is well-known that central nervous system lesions produce characteristic postural alterations and motor changes. For instance, it is common for individuals with cerebellar deficits to orient themselves to the same side of their lesions. While individuals with Parkinson’s disease often have a characteristic camptocormic posturing.
The concept of motor patterning suggests that any movement, regardless of how minor, does not occur in isolation but rather in precisely choreographed patterns linked to precise patterns of brain activity. Even a simple movement of your eyes to look in a particular direction involves linking many motor and sensory areas of the brain to the choreographed proprioceptive input from the body.
Level 2 focuses on defining the motor/postural compensatory patterns associated with specific functional brain deficits. Level 2 also leverages the concept of “Choreographed Proprioceptive Input” by applying patterns of joint manipulations that balance, restore and optimize network activity in the brain.
A significant portion of time will be devoted to “hands-on” practicing of the adjustments demonstrated as this is a learn-by-doing program and will involve covering areas of the neurological examination and adjustive procedures.