The Role of Functional Neurology in Rehabilitation from Long-COVID: Utilization of concepts in Clinical Neuroscience to establish and improve rehabilitation paradigms
As the world continues to grapple with the impacts of COVID, many patients are experiencing ongoing symptoms of long-COVID. Healthcare providers have a vital role to play in helping those patients find resolutions to what are becoming chronic health issues. This program provides training on this topic and will cover diagnosis, pathophysiology, assessments, and treatment approaches to this multi-factorial condition.
Course Objectives
- Pathophysiology of SARS-CoV-2 and Genesis of Long-COVID
- Long-COVID epidemiology
- Defining Long-COVID
- Long-COVID and the Neuraxis
- Imaging in Long-COVID
- Review of treatment strategies postulated in the literature
- Functional Neurology paradigm examination procedures in the Realm of Long-COVID
- Practical interpretation and utilization of hand dynamometer and blood pressure cuff for assessment of the autonomic nervous system
- Practical interpretation and utilization of Pupillometry for the assessment of the autonomic nervous system
- Application of Eye Movements in the Rehabilitation of Long-COVID
- Pulmonary Implications of Long-COVID and rehabilitation of breath mechanisms
- The role of cervical spine proprioception in diagnosis and rehabilitation from Long-COVID
- Utilization of fine motor activity in Long-COVID strategies
- Understanding the role of the posterior parietal cortex in Long-COVID rehabilitation
- What not to do: a review of often-used therapeutic modalities that may not be appropriate in the constellation of dysautonomia from Long-COVID
- Olfactory dysfunction and rehabilitation from Long-COVID
- Laboratory examination and rehabilitation from Long-COVID
- Return to physical activity after Long-COVID
- Sars-CoV-2 reinfection: What to do if a patient becomes reinfected again after suffering from Long-COVID