Neurology Primer: Sleep in Healthcare
Presented by: Dr. Roy Wilkins
Sleep studies are part of a normal everyday primary care and specialty practice such as neurology. We will cover in detail the use and interpretation of sleep studies to address various disorders of sleep in both a primary care practice and a specialty practice such as sports medicine, orthopedics, neurology, pediatrics, internal disorders, etc, and its relationship to sleep.
Sleep is an integral part of staying healthy. A third of our lives are spent in sleep. We will cover normal sleep from infancy to old age. Why we need sleep its purpose and function. We will explore what happens when normal sleep is interrupted its effects on the systems of the body such as neurodegenerative disease of the nervous system, cardiovascular, endocrine system, motor systems, pain control systems, gastrointestinal system, etc, and the effects on our work, play, social interaction, and its effect in society. You’ll be taught to recognize and examine patients with sleep disorders. You’ll be instructed on sleep disorder breathing, its types, and treatment. You’ll be instructed on circadian rhythm disorders how to recognize them and treatment options. You’ll be taught and introduced to parasomnias. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to immediately incorporate sleep studies into your practice. You’ll know how and when to order the various types of sleep studies, HST, PSG, MSLT, MWT, PAPNAP, and how to interpret the results and understand the data found on a sleep study and how to integrate that into your normal everyday practice.
Topics Covered
- Introduction to Sleep Studies
- Normal sleep from infancy to old age
- Purpose and function of Sleep
- Sleep physiology
- Basic neurology of sleep
- Factors determining sleep distribution
- Chronophysiology
- Determining sleep EEG
- Sleep deprivation, causes, physical and psychological consequences.
- Sleep Deprivation and its relationship to:
- Neurodegenerative Disease
- Cardiovascular System
- Endocrine System
- Motor Systems
- Pain Control Systems
- Gastrointestinal Systems
- and more!
- Effects of Sleep Deprivation on our work, play, social interaction and its affect in society
- Learn to recognize and examine patients with sleep disorders
- Insomnia diagnosis and treatment with CBT, Neutraceuticals, Pharmaceuticals
- Circadian Rhythm Disorders, types, diagnosis, and treatment
- Sleep disorder breathing causes, types, diagnosis, and treatment.
- Introduction to Parasomnias
- History, Physical and Clinical evaluation of sleep disorders
- Ordering appropriate sleep test
- Interpreting data and understanding sleep studies and implementation into clinical practice.