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Any individual, online, self-paced learning module in the Clinical Neuroscience program.
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We are excited for the Movement Disorders Educational Program this weekend, November 18,19 and 20th, 2016 in Cape Canaveral, FL and through online live-stream.
Professor Carrick has just returned from his movement disorder clinical rounds and keynote presentations at the Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris. Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital is the historical home of modern neurology raised in the shadow of Charcot, Babinski, Gilles de la Tourette and other pioneers in the discipline.
This weekend learning module will have some very special surprises for the attendees. VERY SPECIAL! This course may be attended in person at the Carrick Institute Learning Center in Cape Canaveral or by Live Streaming at a location of your choice. Our unique clinical pedagogy facilitates the complex clinical applications necessary to change lives of patients afflicted with disorders of movement. We are very proud of our scholars that are attending this program from around the globe.
Reflect on this painting of Charcot attending a Salpêtrière patient who is supported by Dr. Joseph Babiński and get ready for a unique learning experience.
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